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The Nearest Airport for Manali is Bhuntar, 50 km ( Approx.) from Manali. Only Air India is having weekly two fligts from Delhi. Another option to reach Manali by Air is Chandigarh Airport and from Chandigarh Taxi can be hired. Chandigarh to Manali Buses are also available from Sector 43 Bus Stand. Chandigarh to Manali road idstance is approx 340 Kms. and Chandigarh to manali Journey duration is approx 8 - 10 Hrs.


The Nearest Railway Station for Manali are at Chandigarh (350 km.) and Ambala (360 km). Onwards Journey can be travelled either by Charterd Taxis or by Bus.


The Distance for Kullu Manali is from as under.
Delhi to Manali Distance is 585 km & Journey duration is 14 Hrs.
Chandigarh to Manali Distance is 350 Kms & Journey duration is 10 Hrs.
Ambala to Manali Distance is 360 Kms & Journey duration is 11 Hrs.
Shimla to Manali Distance is 270 km & Journey duration is 8 Hrs.

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From Delhi Private Volvo Buses are available. Himachal State Road Transport and Himachal Tourism also runs buses between Delhi Manali and Chandigarh Manali. Form Delhi Tourism Volvo's & Private Volvo Buses starts from Chanderlok Building Connaught Place Delhi and Himachal State Road Transport Corp Buses Starts from ISBT Delhi. And From Chandigarh Himachal Starte Road Transport Copr Buses starts from ISBT Sector 43.